The Family Shul Shavuot Schedule 5784-2024

Tuesday, June 11th - 1st Night of Shavuot

Candle Lighting: 8:10 pm

Night of Learning with Rabbi Naftali: 10:00 pm - 3:30 am at Rabbi Naftali's home 342 East 20th Street

Fruit and cakes will be served.

Wednesday, June 12 - 1st Day of Shavuot

Morning Services: 10:30 am

Reading of the 10 Commandments: 11:30 am

Dairy Buffet Lunch: 12:45 pm

When G‑d gave us the Torah he wanted a guarantee. The elders came forth but were refused because of their age. The middle-aged men and women followed them. But G‑d said that they were too involved in earning a livelihood and so their time for Torah study was very limited. Only when the young children came forth was G‑d satisfied and agreed to give us the Torah. Parents, please make every effort to bring your children to the reading of the 10 Commandments.

Grand Ice Cream Party: 5:30 PM

Candle Lighting: after 9:18 pm

Thursday, June 13 - 2nd Day of Shavuot

Morning Services: 10:30 am

Yizkor Service: 12:00 pm

Buffet Lunch: 12:45 pm

Wishing you a Chag Shavuot Sameach!